Everyone knows who plays the “Voice of God,” but here’s some things you might not know about Morgan Freeman.

- He’s an Ole Miss fan, and you can sometimes catch him hanging out at City Grocery in Oxford, Mississippi.
- He can recite many plays and poems from memory.
- He helped open Ground Zero Blues Club in Clarksdale, Mississippi.
- He loves playing golf and has traveled the world to play different courses.
- He has earned his pilot’s license.
- His friends say he’s a pro at solving crossword puzzles.
Sailing is one of his favorite hobbies.
- On the weekends he loves to go out dancing, so you might see him in action at Ground Zero Blues Club!
- He’s passionate about helping local businesses and boosting the economy in the Delta where he was raised.
- He says, “Because I have fame and fortune, I can live anywhere in the world––that’s why I choose to live in Mississippi.”