Editor's Letter: Wanderlust 2023

Wanderlust means a strong desire to travel, so it’s an obvious theme for our summer issue. But we don’t have to convince you to travel. Who doesn’t love getting away from home every once in a while? Instead, we hope to convince you where to travel.
Our team is packed with born and raised southerners who grew up across the South. We’re constantly sharing with each other where we should go, and what we should do when we get there. And we can promise you—we don’t give bad recs. In this issue, we decided to take the summer travel plans we usually share on Slack and share them with you instead! So here are some things to add to your summer bucket list: Head to Houston for a dose of culture (pXX), and stop at every roadside attraction on your way (pXX). Dive into our Special Promotion to see the places that will keep you cool, even in the scorching summer heat (pXX)—featuring our southern city of the summer, Boone, North Carolina. (pXX) We share where to try the next big spirit (turn to pXX to find out what it is), and invite you to join this summer’s hottest club, the boat club (pXX).
This is the summer of action. This is the summer that the trip makes it out of the group chat. This is the summer that we go, play, eat, and explore. This is the summer. Let’s make it count.
The Good Grit Team