What Does Home Mean To You?

Words from our Readers
Illustrations by Dasha Lebedev
Again and again we hear the phrase, “Home is where the heart is.” But what does it really mean? It’s a little bit different for everyone, but it’s also a little bit the same. Here’s what our readers had to say!
Xi M. – Not to be cliché, but home really is where the heart is for me. Having lived in four countries, seven childhood homes, and nine apartments in the last 10 years alone, it’s never been one single physical place for me. I think it’s really beautiful when that is someone’s experience, but it hasn’t been my reality—so it’s meant creating a home wherever I am by building community and creating traditions wherever I am.
James A. – A safe place where I have my friends or family close by.
Rachel S. – My home is an extension of myself. It's more than just where I return after work and evening classes; it embodies my hobbies and reflects my personality through each room and choice of dé. I'm very intentional with the art and mementos I place in my home because I want it to represent not just who I am today, but who I'm growing into. Each addition to my space has been a visual representation of my personal growth. The best addition to my home was a custom dining table large enough to accommodate all my friends and family. It meant the most to me because it gave me the ability to gather all the significant people in my life in one place for a meal. I throw a major gathering every other month, usually a themed party or dinner, and having everyone able to sit together in one place makes my house feel like home.
Liz B. – Besides the obvious (with loved ones), a dog and my creature comforts.
Lauren F. – A place you feel most loved.
Britt S. – For those who have moved around a lot in their lifetime like myself, home isn't always one set place. In my experience, home is where I can most comfortably feel at rest. Whether it's alone or with others, it's where I can truly live authentically without worrying about the thoughts or expectations of others. It's where I can express myself best, and where people can get a better understanding of who I am beyond what they see or experience when I'm not at home.
James S. – A place to make waffles for my family every Saturday morning.
Terasha K. – Home is where safety, peace, and rest reside. The actual structure is just a visual.
Terrence D. – To build a place that is me, and that I can share with those close to me.
Sarah S. – People gathered around my table laughing and having a great time.
Trudy S. – To me, home is where my roots are, where my family is from, and where I am known as my daddy’s daughter—and even my grandparents’ granddaughter. That may be a distinctive Southern thing, but at home, I feel like sometimes people know more about me than I know myself.
Alon S. – Home means a place where we cook for friends, raise our family and find comfort and peace.
Tracy M. – Home for me, is where I am most comfortable and comforted, where I can connect with my family and dogs, a place of support and unconditional love.